Friday, May 10, 2019


A friend of mine took me to a documentary last year about homeopathy. I had heard the word homeopathy but didn't really know what it was. I really liked the show about it and learned new things. I'm somewhat open to alternative medicine. After the movie, there was a guy that's a homeopath that talked a little. He has a store and does appointments for anybody that wants to see him and it's less than our co-pay to see a doctor.
I don't trust people usually and I trusted him right away. I went home and looked up his store and kept a bookmark but I needed time before I was ready to really go. Now that we're to May, I finally talked myself into taking my boys in. I have a son that's been on Zyrtec for allergies for too many years now and Dave, the homeopath, was great with him. He talked about a lot of details about his personality and I couldn't believe how good he was at getting it right.
My other son has been throwing up for months and is sick all the time. I've recently watched him struggle more than I can handle. He's been to the doctor, been to a specialist, had a scope done with anesthesia, been put on different medications. Nothing seemed to help or explain the problems or why they're getting worse and the doctors just keep doing ineffective things while our medical bills are mounting. My son throws up so much and his whole life is affected all the time and nobody can give me any answers. That's what made me finally call Dave. He was brilliant. The appointment was about 15 minutes and he said, "You've got a parasite in your large intestine" and gave us some treatments we can use to get rid of the problem, which will take about 6 weeks to be certain.
I didn't know what to think but decided we'll try the treatments. It's far less money for them than we've been spending. When I told my husband the diagnosis, he said that makes a lot of sense. He had a friend with the same problem and he just kept getting really sick. Parasites weren't on the doctors' radars but I read up on it and it does make sense. It seems a little crazy to me that we spend months seeing medical professionals and they just draw a blank but we see this guy for 15 minutes, he never even touches my son, and figures out the problem. Because of such a good experience with both boys, I had to come back the next day for something and called to see if they had an appointment for me to see Dave. I've been wanting to and they did. At my boys' appointments, he talked a little about personality but it was more medical. For my appointment, he figured out early on that it's my gallbladder that's the problem.
That wasn't on my radar but I read about it afterward and once again, it would put all the pieces together and make the most sense. However, Dave brushed that aside relatively quickly and wanted to talk more about emotional health. It's probably what I wanted (not so much from him but just in general) and what I needed but I wasn't expecting it and found it quite embarrassing. I'd barely sat down with this guy and he just knew personal things about me.
He asked if I'm a people pleaser and then started going into great detail as to how I function in life. I wasn't prepared for it! I felt really uncomfortable but that was yesterday and as I digest it, he's right about most of what he said and I want to take the treatments and see what happens. He's giving me something for my gallbladder issues and something else for my emotional issues. He told me to warn my husband that I will be changing a lot in the next few weeks. It seems crazy to me but kind of exciting as well. This is all new & drastically different and it seems to be impressively effective but time will tell. This is the start of our journey toward more enjoyable health.

1 comment:

jimi said...

I'm happy for you and the boys that you are finally finding some help.