Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homeopathic Update

We went to a homeopath starting in May and with visits going through July and treatments going through August. Here is how things went by person: ***For my youngest son who has severe allergies & has been on Zyrtec for years, we tried the suggested treatments and there is no permanent change in his allergies. Some say we should have tweaked his treatment until we got something that would work better. Honestly, we couldn't afford to but I'll talk more about that later. We tried a full round of treatment. There didn't seem to be a long-term change in his symptoms. I'm really committed to getting him off Zyrtec though so for the last month, he has only taken Boiron histaminum hydrochloricum, homeopathic pellets, and they have done great! It costs about $11 for 1 1/2 month supply & they have a stronger dose for the summer (when his allergies get worse) that we will probably get. We tried the homeopathy with a professional for him. I didn't love the results. I felt like I can manage this on my own and we have a course that I think will be helpful.
***For my other son, he couldn't stop throwing up. The homeopath said it was likely to be a parasite problem at first. We used a few things, including wormwood and it seemed to help a little but he was still really sick and he was still throwing up. The homeopath did muscle testing and then had him do a few physical things to hone in on specifics and said he had a gallbladder issue and we did a round of using Lidan primarily and a few other things. My son stopped throwing up!!! He still says he doesn't feel good but he doesn't take the supplements anymore and he hasn't thrown up for a good while now and I think that's a miracle!!! Because I still worry about him feeling sick, we followed up with traditional doctors. He's had an x-ray of his gallbladder and a nuclear med hydascan to see his gallbladder in action and nothing was determined to be noticeably wrong. Based on our experiences & timing, I believe he did have a problem with his gallbladder, the homeopathy fixed the gallbladder problem, and by the time we followed up with traditional medicine, there was no longer a problem to diagnose. Him not feeling great could be anything but without throwing up all the time, at least he can lead a semi-normal life. I feel like going to the homeopath was well worth everything just to see my kid not have to throw up all the time anymore.
***For my issues, I was diagnosed with a gallbladder problem and put on lidan. It helped me digest food for the first time in a long time! That was lovely but as soon as I quit taking it, I still felt yucky all the time, couldn't digest food well. I don't take it now. It's too expensive to take long-term ($17 for a 9-day supply). The homeopath said my physical issues don't need as much attention as my emotional issues. He originally put me on pulsatilla but as I read more, I told him I thought I was more natrum muriaticum and he asked some questions, said he believes that's right and apologized for starting with something else. It's not a big deal because the treatment for both isn't too expensive. I actually take both because I haven't found anything that says you can't try treating both things at the same time and I think the natrum muriaticum is more important and better describes me but the pulsatilla has a few things that are spot-on. I have changed a lot emotionally since I started. There are a few ways I have stood up for myself more and taken more control of my life. In part, I have been open to other things that have helped me (books about cognitive behavioral therapy and sitting in on several sessions of it as well as being places where people discuss little tips & tricks which I try and find helpful) so that a combination of things are fortifying my emotions and putting me on a healthier path. Does my husband think I've drastically changed? I don't know. I don't know if he notices the changes but I have noticed.
***Final Thoughts-seeing the homeopath was very affordable-all the visits combined were $50-$60. Treatments ended up costing a fortune. We spent hundreds of dollars and it was pretty much most of my personal savings. I price-checked many other places & they had the lowest prices on almost everything so I don't think the store was over-inflating costs. It's just that it's an expensive route to take and insurance doesn't cover any of it. I'm happy for every penny spent. My kid doesn't throw up! My emotions are getting under control! We found a way to manage allergies other than Zyrtec. It wasn't perfect but it helped us in great ways. I would recommend it but I would hope you have some savings to help cover the costs of the treatments, especially if 3 people are going in at the same time.

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