Tuesday, February 23, 2021


I wanted to write about something I'm really grateful for. My mom taught me never to show up empty-handed. If you're going to see somebody, whether they know you're coming or not, you bring them something, even something little. I don't think everybody has to abide by that rule but that's how we were raised to behave.
This is something I still practice today and I get a great amount of joy out of bringing some little thing. It's not anything particularly noteworthy. It is just small tokens, usually little treats. As often as it's possible, I try to make them look cute. This gives me a chance to practice crafting.
I never care if people come over and bring anything!!! I never have any expectations from other people. I just feel grateful that my mom planted a seed of desire in my heart to take things to people when I go over and to think of excuses to drop off little things for people in my life, too. It's something I enjoy very much!

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